
Coucou, Coco !

coco 5

It's a Friday night 'Coco Party' with me and my guest of honour - my new Coco dress! (And my self timer camera came along too for good measure.)

I was very keen to get my hands on the Coco pattern ever since Tilly started teasing us with hints about it - and I certainly was not the only one!

But just over a week ago the wait was over. I returned home to find Coco had crossed the Channel from London to Brussels and had been delivered safe and well.

In terms of the pattern and the accompanying instructions (both in the pamphlet and in the various in-depth posts on her blog) Tilly has succeeded in what she set out to do: create a simple yet well drafted knit pattern that would be appealing to seasoned stitchers and beginners alike.

Coco 4

I decided to make the size 2 and it fits perfectly even if it is a little loose at the side seams (hence the red bow-belt I've added). I really like it this way as if I want it to look smarter and more defined I can add the belt and if I want it to be slouchier I can just wear it as it is. Next time I might make the size 1 out of interest to see what that will be like.

The great thing about knits I think (or relatively loose fitting knits anyway) is that if the fit is not perfect then it is not as big a disaster as it would be if you were using a woven fabric.

I didn't embellish the dress in any way. I'm just really happy to have made a bright red, comfy, and slightly 60s'-style dress with a lovely boatline neckline!

The fabric is a red medium-weight jersey that is not too stretchy. It came from Berger (I'm still eternally grateful to Jo for telling me about this wonderful fabric emporium not very far from my house at all). I also discovered that Berger has a BASEMENT, i.e. double the fabric perusing pleasure. I somehow managed not to catch on to that on my previous two visits!

Now I'm on the hunt for some nice striped knit to make one in Tilly's Breton style.

Big hurray for Coco!

coco 6


  1. It looks so cute! The colour is great on you and I love the belt you added!

    1. Thank you! Yeah I love sewing with red fabric, although I find it is sometimes hard to find red fabric.

  2. This is really cute, and looks so different from the other Cocos I've seen - excellent use of belt! I wish I'd known about Berger when I lived in Brussels.

    1. I think it looks a bit different because mine is more crumpled! :) That's cool you used to live in Brussels!

  3. It's a super pretty Coco! I should really get my hand on that pattern.

  4. Oh, I really like how it's very A-Line and then you belted it! Nice dress.

    1. Thank you! Yeah you can really see that the pattern was well drafted, the A-line is great.
